Jack Thompson

Jack Thompson

Jack Thompson

Jack Thompson, AM (born John Hadley Pain; 31 August 1940) is an Australian actor and one of the major figures of Australian cinema. He was educated at University of Queensland, before embarking on his acting career. In 2002, he was made an honorary member of the Australian Cinematographers Society (ACS). He is best known as a lead actor in several acclaimed Australian films, including such classics as The Club (1980), Sunday Too Far Away (1975), The Man from Snowy River (1982) and Breaker Morant (1980). He won Cannes and AFI acting awards for the latter film. He was the recipient of a Living Legend Award at the 2005 Inside Film Awards


اشتراک رایگان ایرانسلی ها در پیشتازمووی

اشتراک رایگان برای ایرانسلی‌ها

شما دیگر نیازی به خرید اشتراک پیشتازمووی ندارید اما در هنگام تماشای فیلم‌ها، هزینه حجم مصرفی اینترنت شما به صورت کامل محاسبه می‌شود، درصورتی که اشتراک پیشتازمووی داشته باشید حجم مصرفی شما نیم بها محاسبه خواهد شد.

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