greg daniels

Greg Daniels

Greg Daniels

Gregory Martin Daniels (born June 13, 1963) is an American television comedy writer, producer, and director. He is known for his work on several television series, including The Office, Saturday Night Live, The Simpsons, Parks and Recreation, and King of the Hill, four of which were named among James Poniewoziks "All Time 100 TV Shows" list in 2007.[1] Daniels attended Harvard University and he became friends with Conan OBrien. His first writing credit was for Not Necessarily the News, before they were laid off due to budget cuts. He eventually became a writer for two long-running series: Saturday Night Live and The Simpsons.


اشتراک رایگان ایرانسلی ها در پیشتازمووی

اشتراک رایگان برای ایرانسلی‌ها

شما دیگر نیازی به خرید اشتراک پیشتازمووی ندارید اما در هنگام تماشای فیلم‌ها، هزینه حجم مصرفی اینترنت شما به صورت کامل محاسبه می‌شود، درصورتی که اشتراک پیشتازمووی داشته باشید حجم مصرفی شما نیم بها محاسبه خواهد شد.

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